Ancient World

The Plain of jars is an archeological site in Laos comprising thousands of huge stone jars

The Plain of Jars: A megalithic archaeological mystery in Laos

Since their discovery in the 1930s, the mysterious collections of giant stone jars scattered throughout central Laos have remained one of the great prehistoric puzzles of south-east Asia. It is thought that the jars represent the mortuary remains of an extensive and powerful Iron Age culture.
The circular monument discovered in Waskiri, Bolivia.

More than 100 pre-Hispanic religious sites linked to ancient Andean cults discovered in Bolivia

Research carried out in the Carangas region of highland Bolivia has identified a surprising concentration of pre-Hispanic religious sites, which are linked to both ancient Andean cults of wak'a (sacred mountains, tutelary hills and mummified ancestors) and the Incan settlement of the region. Among these sites, one particular ceremonial center stands out due to its unprecedented characteristics for the Andes.