Dreaming of a crow – what does it mean? A guide to spiritual symbolism

As they're considered very intelligent birds, seeing crows in your dreams might also mean that you're gaining more knowledge, wisdom, and acceptance of your mind, body, and soul.

As a dream interpreter, I’ve found that one of the most common animals that appear in dreams are crows. These black birds are often associated with negative connotations, but what does it mean when they appear in your dreams? In this article, I’ll be exploring the spiritual symbolism of crows in dreams and the significance they hold.

Dreaming of a crow – what does it mean? A guide to spiritual symbolism 1
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Dreaming of crows

Crows are often associated with darkness, death, and misfortune, which is why many people are afraid of them. However, in dreams, crows can take on a much deeper and more spiritual meaning. Dreams are a way for our subconscious to communicate with us, and crows are often messengers in these dreams.

The spiritual symbolism of crows

Crows have long been associated with spiritual symbolism. In many cultures, they are seen as messengers between the physical and spiritual world. They are also believed to bring good luck, protection, and wisdom. In dreams, crows can represent messages from the universe or a higher power.

Crows as messengers in dreams

When crows appear in your dreams, it’s often a sign that you need to pay attention to the messages that the universe is sending you. Crows are believed to be messengers of truth and wisdom, and they can help you uncover hidden truths about yourself and the world around you. They can also represent the need for change or the arrival of new opportunities.

The significance of the number of crows in dreams

The number of crows that appear in your dreams can also hold significant meaning. One crow may represent a message of change or a new beginning, while a group of crows may signify the need for community or a warning of impending danger. Pay attention to the number of crows in your dreams, as it can provide valuable insight into the message they are trying to convey.

The color of crows in dreams

In addition to the number of crows, the color of the crows in your dreams can also hold significant meaning. Black crows are often associated with death and endings, while white (grey) crows can represent purity and new beginnings. A red crow may symbolize passion or anger, while a blue crow can represent the need for communication and expression.

Interpreting the actions of crows in dreams

The actions of crows in your dreams can also hold significant meaning. If the crows are flying, it may represent the need to let go of something in your waking life. If the crows are cawing, it may symbolize the need for communication or expression. If the crows are attacking, it may represent a warning of danger or the need to protect yourself.

Common dream scenarios involving crows and their spiritual meanings

There are many common dream scenarios involving crows, each with their own spiritual meaning. If you dream of a crow flying high in the sky, it may represent the need for you to rise above a situation in your waking life. If you dream of a crow perched on a tree branch, it may represent the need for you to slow down and reflect on your life. If you dream of a crow attacking you, it may represent the need for you to protect yourself from negative energies.

Crows as spirit animals and their significance in dreams

Crows are often seen as spirit animals, representing wisdom, protection, and transformation. If a crow appears as your spirit animal in a dream, it may represent the need for you to tap into your intuition and inner wisdom. It may also signify the need for you to embrace change and transformation in your life.

How to incorporate the spiritual symbolism of crows into your waking life

If you’ve been dreaming about crows, it’s important to pay attention to the messages they are trying to convey. You can incorporate the spiritual symbolism of crows into your waking life by meditating on their symbolism, keeping a journal of your dreams, and paying attention to the signs and messages in your daily life. You may also want to seek out the guidance of a spiritual advisor or dream interpreter to help you uncover the deeper meanings of your dreams.

For example, dreaming of a crow right beside you might be an indication that you are not able to make your own decisions. Someone could be controlling everything you do and making all the decisions for you. You might not be realizing it because this person assures you that they have your best interests at heart. Begin looking closely, that might not be true and besides, you do possess the ability to make your own decisions based on your point of view. While, dream of a speaking crow could be a sign that you are going to get access to a lot of wealth in the near future.


In conclusion, dreaming about crows can hold a deep spiritual significance. Crows are messengers of truth and wisdom, and they can help you uncover hidden truths about yourself and the world around you. Pay attention to the number, color, and actions of crows in your dreams, as they can provide valuable insight into the messages they are trying to convey. By incorporating the spiritual symbolism of crows into your waking life, you can tap into your intuition and inner wisdom to create a more fulfilling and meaningful life.