Controversial prehistoric bronze gears of Peru: The legendary ‘Key’ to the lands of the Gods?

The Ancient Gears of Ancient Peru fit the description of the legendary 'Key' that would open access to the 'Gate of the Gods' at Hayu Marca.

Unfortunately, conventional archaeology refers to these highly controversial, ancient ‘out of place artifacts’ as ‘ritual objects’.

Controversial prehistoric bronze gears of Peru: The legendary 'Key' to the lands of the Gods? 1
The bronze gears of Peru: These ancient artifacts have also been referred to as the sun discs of Peru, and the Peruvian bronze discs. © Image Credit:

Today, there is very little information about the mysterious bronze gears discovered in Peru, which are also known as the bronze wheels. And while there are a few images which depict the alleged gears in good shape, their purpose has remained a mystery for years.

Most of the pictures depict the curious artifacts to be a series of six circular objects that eerily resemble mechanical gears with teeth. This has led many to believe, they were part of a much larger and complex machine that was used by ancient people in Peru.

Similar discoveries were found in the Mediterranean when divers recovered the Antikythera mechanism, a computer that dates back thousands of years, composed of numerous gears which eerily resemble those found in Peru.

The Antikythera mechanism (reconstruction visible in the image at right) consists of 37 different types of gears and is so complex that many consider it the first analog computer made by man. Found housed in a 340 mm × 180 mm × 90 mm wooden box, the device is a complex clockwork mechanism composed of at least 30 meshing bronze gears. Its remains were found as 82 separate fragments, of which only seven contain any gears or significant inscriptions. The largest gear (clearly visible in image at top-left) is approximately 140 mm in diameter and originally had 223 teeth.
The Antikythera mechanism (reconstruction visible in the image at right) consists of 37 different types of gears and is so complex that many consider it the first analog computer made by man. Found housed in a 340 mm × 180 mm × 90 mm wooden box, the device is a complex clockwork mechanism composed of at least 30 meshing bronze gears. Its remains were found as 82 separate fragments, of which only seven contain any gears or significant inscriptions. The largest gear (clearly visible in image at top-left) is approximately 140 mm in diameter and originally had 223 teeth. © Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

This is why we cannot rule out the fact that the mysterious ‘Bronze gears of Peru’ could have belonged to a device similar to the Antikythera mechanism, even though skeptics will agree that the ‘Bronze gears of Peru’ are sun discs.

The enigmatic discs of Peru were mentioned for the first time by Professor Rafael Larco Hoyle (1901-1966) in his book ‘Peru.’ Professor Hoyle was the owner of the Larco Pre-Columbian Museum in Peru and the writer of numerous archaeological books.

Unfortunately, the information about the ‘gears’ is extremely limited, so it is very hard to tell what the mysterious artifacts were in the distant past.

Though they really resemble modern gears, they must be very old. It means that the gears would not have been expected to exist in the time they actually did. Regrettably, from that photo only, we cannot estimate the real depth of the artifacts, in order to give a much clearer indication of their use in ancient times. Could they really be mistaken for ‘sun discs’?

Doorway of the Amaru Meru (Aramu Muru) and the mysterious Gears

Controversial prehistoric bronze gears of Peru: The legendary 'Key' to the lands of the Gods? 2
The doorway of Aramu Muru in southern Peru near Lake Titicaca. © Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Another theory about the mystery ‘Bronze gears of Ancient Peru’ is that they were used together with the Puerta de Hayu Marka or Doorway of the Amaru Meru (Gate of the Gods).

The mysterious door-like structure in the Hayu Marca mountain region of Southern Peru near Lake Titicaca is one of the most enigmatic megalithic ‘monuments’ in the region. Native Indians of the region speak of a legend that this mysterious door is in fact “a gateway to the lands of the Gods”, and through it, many heroes and Gods came to Earth thousands of years ago.

The so-called Stargate was discovered by Jose Luis Delgado Mamanu, a local mountaineering guide who was exploring the area. While enjoying the view at the Hayu Marca mountain region located in southern Peru, he came across the giant door-like structure which was carved out of a huge rock that measures seven meters in height and seven meters in width, with a mysterious ‘door-like’ feature at its center.

According to some legends, the smaller ‘door’ represents the entrance for mortal souls, while the larger and more symmetrical ‘entrance’ accounts for the entrance used by deities to access our realm. Curiously, Mamanu stated that he had long before dreamed about this structure and saw what appeared to be a door covered with pink marble with several figures located to the sides.

Controversial prehistoric bronze gears of Peru: The legendary 'Key' to the lands of the Gods? 3
Doorway of Aramu Muru: The hole in the center is believed to be the location where the alleged key belongs. © Image Credit: Licensed from

As we mentioned in previous articles, Local legends say that in the distant past, an Incan priest called Amaru Muru, from the temple of the seven rays fled from his temple with a sacred golden disk known as “the key to the gods of the seven rays.” The priest hid in the mountains of Hayu Brand afraid that the Spanish might take the key from him.

Later the priest arrived at the “Gate of the Gods” at Hayu Marca, where he showed the key to several priests and shamans of the area. After they had performed a ritual, the door opened with a blue light emanating from it. The priest, Amaru Muru handed the golden disk to one of the shamans and entered the door, he was never seen again.

Thanks to the legends of the “Gate of the Gods”, it’s possible that the enigmatic ‘Bronze Gears of Peru’ were in fact used by ancient people in the region as ‘keys’ to the alleged ‘stargate’, or replicas that were created in later periods in hopes to recreate the original ‘Key of the Gods’ that would open once again, the otherworldly portal located near Lake Titicaca.